In a multi-node system, install the SMA in a JVM that is separate from the Process Commander application, preferably on another node. Do not specify a local connection on any of the nodes—specify a Server URL for the JMX server on the node’s Configuration Details setup screen instead. All nodes will then use RMI (Remote Method Invocation) to communicate. Configure a listener for an Always On availability group.; 15 minutes to read; Contributors. All; In this article. APPLIES TO: SQL Server Azure SQL Database Azure SQL Data Warehouse Parallel Data Warehouse This topic describes how to create or configure a single availability group listener for an Always On availability group by using SQL Server Management Studio, Transact-SQL,.
Loading Credentials in Node.js using a Configured Credential ProcessYou can source credentials by using a method that isn't built into the SDK. To dothis, specify a credential process in the shared AWS config file or the shared credentialsfile.
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If the AWSSDKLOADCONFIG environment variable is set to a truthy value, the SDK will prefer the process specifiedin the config file over the process specified in the credentials file (if any).For details about specifying a credential process in the shared AWS config file orthe shared credentials file, see the AWS CLI Command Reference, specifically the information about.For information about using the AWSSDKLOADCONFIG environment variable, see in this document.