Response to Saints Row 2 Respect 2009-02-09 12:49:20 Drug trafficking, mayhem, and heli assault always got the most respect for me. There's only 11 missions and 4 strongholds for each gang I can't remember how many other missions there are besides those but if you got like 40 in respect the amount of respect you get from killing gangs should be enough to finish the game.
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Insert the cheats below into your in-game cell phone. Once the number is accepted, head to the in-game cheats menu and activate the unlocked cheat. Be sure to put a # before any number you insert in this list.Add Gang Notoriety - 35Add Police Notoriety - 4Car Mass Hole - 2Full Health - 1Get $1,000 - Heaven Bound - 12I Am Giant - 200Infinite Ammo - 11Infinite Sprint - 6Itty Bitty - 201Milk Bones - 3Never Die - 36No Cop Notoriety - 50No Gang Notoriety - 51Player Pratfalls - 5Repair Vehicle - 1056Unlimited Clip - 9. To unlock the following vehicles, insert the cheats below into your in-game cell phone. Once the number is accepted, head to the in-game cheats menu and activate the unlocked cheat.
To unlock the following weapons, insert the cheats below into your in-game cell phone. Once the number is accepted, head to the in-game cheats menu and activate the unlocked cheat. Insert the numbers listed below into your in-game cell phone to contact the corresponding company.
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Saints Row 2 Respect
Also, with the costume shop being more easily found, in Yahtzee's words, '.taking the city over as Ronald McDonald is now the rule rather than the exception.' I actually enjoyed Saints Row 2 slightly more because the game at least felt a bit serious, so doing completely crazy and non-serious stuff was more hilarious and fulfilling.It used to be a game where you took on conventional goals in the most unconventional way possible.
With SR3 it felt more like this was just business as usual.SR3 is still a fun game, but the laughs are just a bit less enjoyable because the game is inherently silly and over the top right off the bat rather than letting you make it into that.I also hated the fact that you couldn't pick up and throw objects in SR3. SR3 had better feeling combat, but it had many many issues. The one closest to the top was that it tried TOO hard to be 'lel so randumb XD'. SR2 had some wacky stuff in it which was great, but at it's core it had great characters and great action, both were serious but both could be funny.
You gave a shit when one of your friends died in it. In Saints Row 3, your best friend for two games dies without any real note. I didn't even know Gat died until a while after what was supposed to be his funeral scene.
Even then I thought that he was just playing dead until the game ended and I realized 'wait, Gat never came back.' Fuckin' Carlos, man.Saints Row 2 also had a better mission structure. It had a great campaign and fun as hell activities.
THQ apparently saw how much people loved the Activities in 2 and thought 'WELL, WE MIGHT AS WELL MAKE MOST OF SR3 INTO ACTIVITIES!' So they have a fraction of the number of actual missions that SR2 had, while making other missions literally just levels of Activities- ultimately having less of those than 2 as well.Then there is the fact that they basically abandoned the entire continuing plot from the first two games which I actually cared about. I bought and played through SR2's mediocre DLC just to milk out any details about what Dex was doing before SR3, a game which seemingly forgot all about him. I was hoping he'd be in charge of STAG at the very least- but no.SR3 is really disappointing because it feels like what they did, and I'm almost certain this IS what they did, was realize how many people knew of SR2's reputation as a wacky, zany, fun game, but how few of those people who knew it's reputation actually bought it, and designed a game specifically for THEM. It worked too. The game sold like crazy. People ate it up.
The people who didn't really give a shit about the previous games and had and still have no intention of playing them. I on the other hand was left with a game that I barely cared about completing once, whereas I've played through Saints Row 2 four different times to completion, and spent countless (well, countable actually, as I have two 80 hour, and two 50-60 hour length saves) hours just messing around in the game's world. After I was done with SR3? Stopped playing, haven't touched it since.Like I said, it's combat is more fun. SR2 was a bit weird and loose, but SR3 is pretty tight. But in pretty much every other respect I would say that Saint's Row 3 is the inferior complete game.
Except maybe the character creator. The options were more limited, but everything looked better, including the final product. I never played SR2, but I had some similar sentiments. Activities in SR3 were the worst; they were far too numerous and took up way too much of the main storyline in the first 2/3rds of the game.
I had felt like I was on a great roll when it came to story progression, I'd just recruited like 4 apparently big names, and then each sent me on 3 different activity missions before I could do anything else to progress the story. Yeah yeah, I know Zimos needs to get control of the prostitute market. But that should at least get me some sort of tangible progression, whether it be in genuine advancement of the story or visibly gaining control of an area.
A couple were fun, but sitting in a helicopter without music shooting an endless amount of cars with rockets while being bitched at. Ugh.The storyline was also a big thing for me in retrospect. I didn't have any huge issues with it when I played, but after I was done and no longer afraid of spoilers I checked out the Saint's Row wiki and was pretty disappointed with the lack of story in SR3. I mean, fought a couple gangs, fought the military, aaaand met a few weird people. SR2 seemed to have a lot more going on to care about from what I read up on, but that all disappeared minus the main character, Shaunti, Pierce, and Johnny it seems.The other large thing for me was the neighborhoods. I don't know exactly how they were in SR2, but in 3 they were.
Well, just there. I tried driving around and buying places and trying to find/control everything when I started, but it was boring as hell and I ended up quitting for a while because of it (making story my only priority when I returned). It was just a bunch of disconnected businesses to buy and a few haphazardly placed sex dolls or gangs. I ended up only investing in ones I was already out of my car for because I needed to shop. I couldn't tell which neighborhood I was in in particular at any given point, nor did I seem to have a reason to care, even once I got a freebie controlled neighborhood. For money, I elected to just leave the game while I slept or was otherwise away to rack up money, then bought all the upgrades I wanted that way.
Infinite Respect Saints Row 2
Made the game much more enjoyable that way, as opposed to driving halfway across the map to do random assassinations and activities.