Euro BritanniaType/ ofGrand DukeDe Facto LeaderInformationCapitalPopulationabout 245,000,000 Real World CountriesEuro Britannia (ユーロブリタニア帝国, Euro Britannian Empire) is a subject and tributary-empire of the and is the primary antagonist to the. Being at war with them. Later in the series, they (alongside intervention from the main Britannian Empire) are shown to have defeated most of the E.U. Forces, conquering a large amount of its territories, which leads to the unions eventual collapse by the events of the second season. Contents GeographyPrior to the successful invasion of most of western Europe by the, Euro Britannia was located on mainland Russia and in the countries of the Caucasus.
It is possible that France, the Netherlands, Belgium, Portugal, Spain and Switzerland may have become part of this sub-empire after the collapse of the. Much like the Holy Britannian Empire, Euro Britannia has no control over the, despite what its name might suggest. However, unlike the Holy Britannian Empire, Euro Britannia does not seem to enforce the same Area and Numbers label systems onto its conquered regions as the main Empire does.Known territories under control of Euro Britannia:. All of except, and.By the time the begins, Euro Britannia seems to have lost all its territories except for Russia.HistoryIn the late 18th century, dissatisfaction with the aging system of monarchies in Europe was on the rise. All that was needed for a revolution was a spark.
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Holy Britannian Empire
That spark came after the relations between the people of France and its government broke down. The French Revolution swept the continent. Revolutionaries overran all major European powers. Eventually even Britannia itself was threatened. Defeat at Trafalgar brought the British Isles in to the fold of the nascent, forcing the Britannian government to flee to the New World.
The Holy Britannian Empire (神聖ブリタニア帝国, Shinsei Buritania Teikoku, also refered to as the Britannian Empire or just Britannia) is a nation born from the defeated remnants of the British Empire and is the world's dominant military superpower that ruled over one-third of the world and one of the large Empire-unions that control Earth initially in the early 21st Century, the others being the Chinese Federation, the Europia United, and later United Federation of Nations.
Lelouch Vi Britannia
They were joined by the former European nobility, fleeing revolutionary persecution.Many years later, descendants of these nobles, who were part of Britannia, returned to reclaim their former homeland. They now compose the ruling class of Euro Britannia. Euro Britannians believe that the is a 'ghost' of the revolution, whose rulers only care about themselves and are no better than the very people they sought to remove from power, therefore making their war entirely justified. Euro Britannia was likely established sometime after conquered Russia in the first sphere of expansion after the World Wars. Since then, Euro Britannia has been at war with the Europia United and has acted as the Holy Britannian Empire's eastern front against their European rivals.In 2017 a.t.b, sent and to take command of Euro Britannia.
Under Julius' command, the Grand Duke was placed under temporary arrest, and a propaganda campaign involving the use of the ARK fleet was created in order to drive citizens of Europia United to riot and cause chaos within its regions, giving the Euro Britannian forces the opportunity to launch a massive counter attack. Despite this strategy's success, Julius was considered 'de-facto' leader by the rest of the Euro Britannian commanders which later causes a dispute between them. Eventually, Shin Hyuga Shaing discovers Julius's real identity to be that of the notorious terrorist, to which he has him and Suzaku detained despite Suzaku's attempts to protect Julius's identity. Shin later uses this discovery to persuade the governing House of Lords to transfer full power of the Grand Duke and the Lords over to him.
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